Sunday, November 2, 2008

my five star movies

wizard of oz - great story
superman - made me want to be a hero
Gallipoli - the running racing, the music, the mateship, the final scenes - awesome
Jean de Florette/Manon de Source - life in the countryside is wonderful
My fathers glory/my mothers castle - ditto - french
Les Miserables - not the original, but an updating
Schindler's List - i cried at the end
Lone star - love conquers incest
Copland - a loser comes good
Magnolia - beautiful weakness of humanity
the sea inside - the paraplegic was so brave to choose death
into the wild - idealistic

?Dead Poet's Society - seize the day, very inspiring
?Love Actually - very hollywood, but moving
?In America
?Meet the Parents - to avoid a family getogether because i was in the middle of a nervous breakdown, i went and saw this, a protagonist who cant win, but wins in the end.
?the Cooler - i love it when the underdog triumphs.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

my four and a 1/2 star movies

the wrestler
men's group - depicts a support group for men with problems - best Australian film this year
entre les murs (the class) - kids need good teachers
hunger - brilliant 3 part story
happy go lucky- a fantastic character study
home song stories
the assasination of jesse james by the coward robert ford - casey affleck is superb
reign over me
pans labyrinth
walk the line - awesome love story
brokeback mountain - Heath Ledger is brilliant
sophie scholl - moral courage
peacock - chinese
Million dollar baby - i cried more in this than any film i can remember - saw it with Noelle
Mystic River
the motorcycle diaries - inspirational
in america
barbarian invasions - i saw this twice at the movies - a first
cooler - another loser comes good film
love actually - popular and great
talk to her
about a boy
royal tenanbaums - i'm a fan of owen wilson since seeing 'meet the parents'
wit - emma thompson
lantana - best aussie film since Muriel's wedding , that ive seen
it all starts today - great french film
dreamlife of angels - great french film
straight story
rosetta - palme d'or winner
truman show
ulee's gold - peter fonda
buffalo 66
suburbia - richard linklater - havent seen any of his other films
shawshank redemption
secrets and lies - palme d'or winner
quiz show - moral courage
muriels wedding
naked - mike leigh incredible character played by david thewlis
regarding henry - is this sentimental - i dont care
7up series - my favourite person is Neil who has had some mental illness issues
dead poets society - seize the day - inspirational
chariots of fire
star wars
wonderful life - morality before survival

Thursday, September 25, 2008

my four star and 3.5 star movies

(c) = seen at the cinema, (v) = seen on video


the savages- ****
Persepolis - ****
the band's visit - ****
Lars and the real girl - ****
global haywire - ****
burn after reading (c) - **** - started slowly but built up to a good climax
the importance of being Earnest (play) ****
the grand inquisitor (play) - **** - from the Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky
orna's silence (c) - ****best screenplay at Cannes, i asked the actress who played Lorna a question when she came to present the film at the Brisbane film festival
the edge of heaven - (c) - **** - it ends just before a happy ending, hence the title ?
the visitor - (c) - *** 1/2 - great lead character and actor
married life - (c) - **** - this is the second film noir i have seen in recent weeks (the other was, the man who wasn't there), before then i didnt really know what film noir meant - what i like is that things go wrong for the protagonist
gone baby gone (c) - *** 1/2 definitely not up to Mystic River standard. I found the storytelling at times just to be a series of images - bad storytelling. Great moral ending.


half nelson (v) - *** 1/2 -troubled hero, just as i like it
the singer (v) - **** -french film
the lives of others (c) - **** - 2008 best foreign language film academy awards
4 months 3 weeks 2 days (c) - **** - scary villan , Palme D'or winner Cannes
wind shakes barley (c) - **** - i cried, Ken Loach
this is England (c) ****
after the wedding (c) - **** - Danish, Mads Michelson who played the villan in Daniel Craig's first outing as James Bond


l'enfant (v) - **** - Perry the milkman got me onto the Dardenne brothers, Palme D'or winner 2005 Cannes
water (v) **** 3rd in Deepa Metha's Indian trilogy
history of violence (c) ***1/2
catch a fire (c)- **** - aussie phillip noyce directed this south african set film, widely overlooked
flags of our fathers (c)- **** - i enjoyed this more than its companion piece, letters from iwa jima
infamous (v) - *** 1/2 - one of the two Truman Capote movies out recently
Candy (v) - ***1/2 - Aussie junkie love story
Ttotsi - (v) **** - 2007 Academy award best foreign language film
little miss sunshine (c) ****
friends with money - (v) **** - written and directed by nicole Holofcener (also lovely and amazing)


millions - ***1/2 - Danny Boyle directed, wrote? - have also seen his shallow grave, trainspotting, 28 days later - would like to see his sci-fi - sunshine?
the assasination of Richard Nixon (v) - **** - Sean Penn,
old boy - (v) *** 1/2Tarrantinoesque Korean revenge flic , thanks to Perry the milkman
thumbsucker (c) ***1/2
Capote (c) ***1/2
40 year old virgin (c)- **** - i'm nearly there
Shopgirl (v) **** - Claire Danes, Jason Swartzman, Steve Martin
little fish (v) - *** 1/2 - little Aussie movie with Cate Blanchett - Hugo Weaving is particularly good
3 burials Melquiades Estrada (c) - **** - slow but good - Tommy Lee Jones directed, wrote?
squid and the whale (c) - **** - funny neuroticism
walk the line (v) - **** - awesome love story
wild parrots telegraph hill (c) **** - human interaction with nature is wonderful
me and you and everything we know (c) - **** - written, directed and starring Miranda July - super cool artist from US - i want to read her book of short stories
woodsman (v) - **** - a pedofile finds redemption - my sort of hero
grizzly man (v) - **** - i emphathised with timothy tredwell, others might think he's just plain crazy
the embroiderer - ***1/2 french film


Vera Drake (v) **** - very good - what a beautiful family
Keane (v) - ***1/2 - good for a straight to video film
kill Bill 2 (v) ***1/2 - better than kill bill 1 which i wasnt really impressed with
Bridget Jones (c) - **** - i dont know if i love Bridget Jones or Rene Zellweger
weeping camel (c) - ***1/2 - mongolian doco
the return (v) - ***1/2 - russian


getting square (c) - ***1/2 good aussie crime caper, David Wenham is suberb
terminator 3 (c)- **** - i thought this was good for hollywood
shattered glass (c) - **** - actor Hayden Christensen is good
Japanese story (c) - **** - i didn't see the major plot development coming
Napoleon Dynamite (v) ****
I heart Huckabees (v) - **** - Mark Wahlberg is good , meant to be existential
station agent (c) - **** - very good, about friendship for lonely people
Big fish (v) ****
21 grams (c) - **** - so tense my stomach hurt


infernal affairs (v) - ***1/2 - hong kong original, haven't seen the hollywood remake
city of god (v) ***1/2 - one of my best friend's favourite movies
adaptation (c) ****
nowhere in Africa (c) - **** - best foreign language film academy awards
catch me if you can (tv) **** not bad
28 days later (c) ****
road to perdition (c) ****
all or nothing - ***1/2 - Mike Leigh
sweet sixteen - **** - Ken Loach


buffalo soldiers (c) ***1/2 - aussie director
the pledge - **** - the ending is challenging, Sean Penn directed
chaos (tv) ***1/2 - i saw it on tv just the other night - french film
a beautiful mind ****
Bridget Jones ****
human nature - ***1/2 - some funny scenes
shipping news ***1/2
Zoolander ****
K-Pax ***1/2
life as a house - ***1/2
the man who wasn't there - **** - film noir
lovely and amazing - **** - also see 'friends with money' 2006
cast away - **** - hollywood mainstream but i really enjoyed it
Samsara - **** - warning exotic sex scene, buddhist


amores perros ****
nurse Betty - **** - i'm a Renee fan
almost famous ****
You can count on me - ****- my first encounter with the great Laura Linney
High fidelity ****
Meet the parents - **** - hollywood but good
o brother where art thou - *** - I know someone who didn't like this
Billy Eliot ****


holy smoke - **** - could relate to this because of my Buddhist study - "be kind to others"
boys dont cry ****
Austin Powers ****
being John Malkovich ***1/2
fight club ***1/2
matrix - **** - the first one was way better than the sequel, as for the third i would't know
notting hill ****
Arlington Rd ****
cider house rules ***1/2
limbo - ***1/2John Sayles
all about my mother - **** - great
Go - ****
Bicentenial Man - **** - I'm a Robin Williams fan
Lock stock 2 smoking barrels ****
Insider ****
Bring out the dead - **** - Martin Scorcese, Nicholas Cage
Ballad of Jack and Rose - **** - don't remember this one coming to the cinemas but it has Daniel Day Lewis as a middle aged hippie and the lovely Catherine Keener who I have also seen in 40 year old virgin, Capote and friends with money


there's something about mary ****
opposite of sex ****
sliding doors ***1/2
Shakespeare in love ***1/2
Big Lebowski - **** - cool
the thin red line ****
dark city - **** - sci fi - better than the matrix?
earth - **** - my favourite of the trilogy, about partition in India, Deepa Metha


the Soong sisters - ***1/2 my knowledge of China is from my good friend from Hong Kong, Jung Chang's book wild swans, and a bit of the book Mao - and this movie
the game ****
the edge ****
as good as it gets ***1/2
good will hunting ***1/2
LA confidential ****
the people vs Larry Flynt ****
the boxer - **** - Daniel Day Lewis
breakdown - **** - this was impressive for an action film
Jackie Brown **** - good
doing time for patsy cline - **** - Aussie flic
the ice storm ***1/2
full monty ****
boogie nights ****1/2 - yes that right 4.5 stars
life is beautiful - ****1/2 - yes, 4.5 stars - some think this is sentimental
chasing amy ****
gattaca ****
Hana-bi - ***1/2 - Japanese
the cube ****


Michael Collins - ***1/2 - my Irish relatives gave me this
trainspotting - **** - saw this in New York City
Swingers ****
breaking the waves ****
fire - ***1/2 Lesbian love in India, Deepa Metha trilogy
english patient ****
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet ****
Sleepers (c) **** - saw this in Avignon, France


shallow grave ***1/2
seven ****
kids ****
higher learning ****
smoke ****
safe - **** - made me deeply neurotic afterwards - pyschological horror
usual suspects **** maybe even 4.5 stars
bridges of madison county ****
welcome to the dollhouse ****


(final year of university)
Paris, Texas - **** - saw this in 2008
four weddings and a funeral ****
Forest Gump ***1/2
pulp fiction **** maybe even 4.5 stars
speed ***1/2
clerks ****
Ed Wood ****
three colours red **** saw this in 2008
once were warriors **** very good
eat drink man woman - **** - Ang Lee
to live ****


Fearless - **** - Jeff Bridges starred, Peter Weir directed (best Aussie director?)
in the name of the father ****
bad boy bubby ****
faraway so close ***1/2
shadowlands ***1/2
groundhog day ****
piano ****
cliffhanger ***1/2


passion fish - ***1/2 - John Sayles
reservoir dogs ****
**** very good
scent of a woman ****


silence of the lambs ****
the commitments ****
Barton Fink ****
very good
fisher king ****


white hunter black heart **** Clint Eastwood
ghost **** - saw this when i was working at a gold mine
misery ****
Edward Scissorhands ****


parenthood **** - is Joachian Phoenix really in this
born on the fourth of July ****
Do the right thing ****
when harry met sally ****
very good
jesus of montreal ****


(final year of high school)
Missisipi burning ****
a fish called wanda ****
rain man ****
the vanishing
- ****high impact ending
die hard ****


Wall Street ****
broadcast news ****
babette's feast ***
wings of desire ***1/2
princess bride ****
the lost boys ***1/2


top gun ****
stand by me ***
Platoon ****
ferris buelers day off ****
children of a lesser god ****
a very peculiar practice ****1/2 very good - BBC tv series - Peter Davison


Brazil ***1/2
the breakfast club ***1/2
Witness ****
back to the future
- ****1/2 very good Michael J Fox is a bit of a hero - i loved the tv series where he played Alex P Keaton


nineteen eighty four ****
ghostbusters ****
beverly hills cop ****
sixteen candles ***1/2
starman ****
Amadeus ****
risky business -
***1/2 - the Guardian refers to this as an adolescent wish fulfillment
karate kid ***1/2


man with two brains ***1/2
trading places


blade runner ****
first blood


breaker morant ***1/2


alien - **** - my parents took my sister and me to this in grade 4 aged 9 - we didnt last the whole film
apocalypse now ****
life of brian


grease ****
midnight express ****


annie hall ****


One flew over the cuckoo’s nest ****


Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory ****


Easy rider - **** inspired my best friend and i to take a swim in the muddy river and get knee deep in mud on the river's edge


planet of the apes ****
- ***1/2 - violent revolution in a boarding school
chitty chitty bang bang ***1/2


8 1/2 - *** - didnt get much from it


rebel without a cause - **** - not bad


rear window - *** - got bored after half of it, haven't seen the rest